6 key elements to build a language with your Soul

Last night I fell asleep pondering just how dominant reasoning, intellect and science have become in our lives and society.When we try to make sense of our life and what's happening to us we find safety in logic, efficiency, reason, and the 'proof' offered by science. It feels concrete, measurable and certain.These are all mental comforts. Our mind prefers to use the 'proof and evidence' of what we see and touch in our life, to keep us safe and guide our choices.But I'm more interested in what our deepest inner Self seeks. If I want to live from my fully expressed Soul (and I do! - That's why I'm here) then I want to know the language, the method, the art of my Heart and Soul.

I bet you are just as good as I am at listening to the mind. In fact, I think most of us have full-on conversations with our mind. Yet how good are you at listening to, and conversing with, your Heart or Soul?

Do you 'trust your gut' and make that enough? Or maybe you listen to your intuition? Maybe you feel it in your body? Perhaps you listen through breath, meditation or reflection?In each of these acts we acknowledge our heart, our inner Self, and hopefully act on the guidance we receive. They're an act of listening. And honoring the Soul within.

What I invite you to consider is that you can raise your sights and aim for more. You can aim for full conversation and communion with your Soul.

Each and everyone of us has the capacity to hear our Soul. This is not a talent reserved for the few -  the psychic, the holy, or the mystic.But we have to be willing to develop our personal language for communicating with our Soul and Heart, and get much better at listening. There certainly isn't one way. And there definitely isn't a right way. But there most definitely is your way. And it is a way that you craft for yourself.

Then what might form the different elements of our personal language with our Soul?

I believe most people are like me: 'hearing' my soul has not always been easy or clear. And when you're having a hard time hearing, making the jump to conversation can feel altogether daunting. Here are my suggestions for key elements to developing a language with your Soul:

  • Get better with your Feelings - Like the feeling in your gut, or the somatic experiences of the body that your perceive through your five senses like tension, shortness of breath or relaxation but also peace, happiness or unease. Feelings can be one of the most effective ways to listen to your soul.
  • Know you also have Sense/Sensations - I use sensation to refer to what we perceive that is not directly coming through the five senses. Intuition is an example of this. As is having a deep knowing, or a sense of an image or a sound. Most of us don't stop to parse our sensations but most of us perceive through sensations. Study up on the psy-senses or clair-senses to gain a better understanding of your own.
  • Build your collection of Symbols - Symbols are an ancient system of communicating with Soul; they powerfully and comprehensively convey so much information with what is often a simple and single image. But symbols do not necessarily in and of themselves have meaning; you give them the meaning you desire. Developing your own collection of symbols and definitions for what they mean to you begins to open the door for more conversation. Some examples include things like angel numbers, animal symbolism, a book on the meaning of dreams and the correlation of the chakras to your body health.
  • Study up on Myth and Archetypes - Similar to symbols, myths and archetypes convey a lot of information within a contained 'story' so they lend themselves well to developing your language of the Soul. They will add meaning to what shows up in your life and give you another way of 'understanding' yourself and your Soul.
  • Look for Patterns - Patterns show emphasis and are another way your Soul will draw your attention to something. Develop a practice of attentiveness so you do not overlook or dismiss a piece of a pattern.
  • Trust Synchronicity - I have to say it, there are no coincidences. Trust the synchronicities of your life and look to how they are a part of the ongoing conversation you are having with your Soul.

Developing your personal language with your Soul is both a practice and a process and will take time. I've found that it's worth it.How about you? What has been your process of speaking with your Soul?


Lessons learned about listening to my heart


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