Being called to step into 'the un-manifest'
I've been having this restless, edgy feeling for the past few days. It's an uneasy feeling; like the feeling you get when you have been cooped up too long. Like you just want to get out and go do something.I guess I could attribute it to the weather. It has been grey and too cold for me. And I've been heads down on my computer for more consecutive hours than is normal for me.But that isn't really where it comes from - this edgy, restless feeling. It's coming from a deeper place. It's a place I can see and sense when I close my eyes and am quiet and still. And so I do close my eyes and I see.Myself in a box or not quite a real box but something of a box with a barrier that prevents me from going out. It could be bars, or a force-field. It doesn't matter. I just can't get out. And so I sit right down in the middle and I realize I am the only one here. This box and these barriers are mine. I made them, I feel them, I experience them.If that's so, then I imagine them gone. And they are. And I sit there in wonder and a bit of trepidation. Now what?I had really wanted to go out when I had barriers. In fact, I wanted out so much that I gave little attention to what was beyond the bars. Now that they are gone I look out and I really don't see anything. It isn't black or empty. It's more like ... absent, unformed. I wonder if I should head out into the absent, unformed place beyond where my bars were. It isn't what I have known or what I had expected, or imaged I would expect. It is unknown. But what else is there to do? Sit in the middle of my box, now without bars, in contemplation of what I should do?And so, I step out into that space that isn't anything and I realize I am standing in 'the un-manifest.'And here's where the mind-bender kicks in. If this is the un-manifest then I can manifest whatever I like, whatever I want. Very well. Certainly I can do that.And so I turn my mind to creating and the very first thing it does is go immediately to what it knows - my box. My mind and I have been in that box and that is what we know and so that is what we draw from to create in this un-manifest space. But didn't I just walk out of that box? Why would I want to fill this un-manifest space full of any and all potential with my same old box?Well, let me tell you, I certainly don't want to re-create my box. I have to believe there is more. And so I stop my mind and stand still.And you know what happens next? My heart begins to flow into the un-manifest like water - at once soft and hard, yielding and asserting. And true creation begins to unfold...And then I open my eyes.And I see my home and my family. My one boy reading, my other boy sliding through the house on rollerblades, my little girl calling to daddy to help.And I realize that each and everyone of us is, in our own way, finding our way to who we need to be - to be able to create anew. To leave behind the boxes that currently can be seen as politically divisive rhetoric, the compromised financial and housing industries, the oceans teaming with plastics... You know the box.I invite you to join me in the un-manifest. Amazing new things await us.