Endings and stepping into myself

After such a long period of silence, I return to writing with a backlog of updates and stories that want to pour out. Every single of the past 7 months held updates and awarenesses that were written in my head but did not make it to paper or blog.This month I've been shifting through them, contemplating how to share them with you in a way that brings me and you to the same place so we can both move forward together. In a way that brings this year to a focus for what is coming next.

It started back in June.

I began working with a new spiritual teacher and my intention, prayers and meditations all centered around:May I unfold so that I am in alignment with my Soul's highest desired expression in this life.Who knew this was pretty much the equivalent of a declaration to Spirit that I was ready for the spiritual version of decathlon training?!?I knew change was unfolding (and I began working on a new site design and new web content and offerings) but I didn't realize it was going to pull me through a whole new level of seeing and dealing with self-value, self-respect, what I have to offer the world, and the fears that have lived hidden and disguised for a very long time.Each new self-awareness exposed fears that felt like unhealed wounds that I'd learned to live with. I saw how I created compensations that allowed me to live, and even grow, but in a meager, anemic way. A way of living that I believed healthy and strong.I was reminded that we are gifted beings with a vast capacity to compensate and justify so that we keep our own fears and insecurities disguised within ourselves - as strengths, perseverance, tolerance and kindness and more. In no way does the compensation diminish the virtues (the strength, perseverance, tolerance and kindness and whichever ones are yours) but the unacknowledged fear - the unhealed wounds - undermine the whole.

I've retired SolelyManriquez.

Some of you noticed the quiet and small change with my header and wondered what was up.December marked the end of SolelyManriquez. Solely was created when I was transitioning out of my marketing company into something that was then undefined. I was exploring and contemplating. Finding my measure. Testing my boundaries.Allowing the full expression of my Soul to show itself and learning how to hold that frequency without collapsing in fear of the brilliance.So the change. For now, who I am is enough. And so is business by my name.

I honored the cycles and trusted the unfolding.

I wanted so much to plan and prepare. Design a site. Rewrite copy. Refine my programs. Launch it all in January.But unfolding moves to ancient rhythms and cycles. Pushing, planning and forcing does not help anything.We each have an annual cycle that starts with our birthday. (Our business has a similar one based on its formation day.) The 2 months before our birthday is a time of closure, reflection, introspection, endings and clearing out what is not needed any longer.With my birthday on December 25 that means that November and December was a time of closure. Not creation, planning, visibility and promotion. And that was reinforced by the calendar year cycle as well.

So with January I announce the changes.

This month I introduce a new About Me page and I've updated and refined the work I offer. You'll notice that there are two strong themes that are foundational to my work:

  • Each of us is on a journey of mastery. Not the kind of mastery that comes from years of experience but the kind that is a state of being.
  • Our business is a spiritual construction and serves our spiritual journey. When we really understand what this means and integrate it into our consciousness we set the stage for the impossible to happen - for ourselves and the world.

These two beliefs are so painfully missing from the industry of business and from the awareness of many entrepreneurs. They form the core to what I work with and teach my clients, even as we work with the practical matters of leading and growing a successful enterprise.And before I hop up on a soap-box about all of this, I'll wrap up by telling you a new site is coming. As is a lot more writing and teaching on mastery and the spirituality of business.I'd love to hear what you have in store for the new year and what you think of these new changes. Please share.


What is mastery? And why it matters in business


The one thing missing in business - it explains a whole lot