I'm all set for tomorrow. Are you joining me?

Note to reader: This post continues from yesterday's post on my ceremony for clearing, blessings and intentions for 2013. You are invited to join in so please read on!I spent another restless night for no real good reason. I still sense that it's all the energies swirling around related to tomorrow.  But I woke with purpose!I'm looking forward to tomorrow, 12/21/12. I'm looking forward to the kids being home from school. I'm looking forward to baking cookies and watching movies...

I'm looking forward to beginning my clearing and blessing ceremony! You can read about what I have planned here.

photo3I got started this morning with marking a stone with each person's initials. A way to hold the intent specifically for you and for me. I also realized that I will be pulling an animal totem for each person and will share with you individually. Very exciting!

Clearing Intentions for Tomorrow's Ceremony

I have three specific groupings for my clearing and blessing statements: personal, business and very specific. I'd really like to have you share feedback in the comments so read on.PersonalAlign with the flow, abundance, and benefit of the high frequency energies of 12/21/2012.Allow my body and Spirit to flow with grace and ease through, and with, the growth, change and abundance I desire and intend for now and the coming year.I align with my highest good and gratefully allow and receive God's/Spirit's bounty and blessings.I balance my feminine energies of Form, Essence and Quality with my masculine energies of Matter, Substance and Quantity.I am healthy, joyful, courageous, compassionate, loving and peaceful.I listen for, and listen to, my Heart, my intuition and my expanded senses.BusinessClear my business of any and all obstacles to success, financial abundance, attracting clients, building and maintaining supportive relationships and delivering and provide the service it's here to provide.Clear patterns of self-sabotage and self-destruction designed to keep me and my business/work small, unnoticed and ineffectual.Collect all energies of my business that have become diffused, distracted, or otherwise diminished. Coalesce, align and uplift my business energies to productively support, strengthen and materialize my intentions for my business and my life.My business exists to amplify my Soul's purpose in this material world and easily and gracefully facilitates the highest and best exchange of good/Light for me, and the people I choose to serve.Very SpecificHere I encourage everyone to get granular. What tangible intentions do you have for your business? From financial objectives to people you want to meet or product/programs you want to introduce.My specific goals are financial and travel related! What about you? Please share in the comments below.

You can still join in! In fact, I encourage you to join me.

While I'm starting my ceremony and lighting my candle tomorrow, it is a 12 day, daily activity and you can join now or anytime before January 1, 2013. You will receive the full benefit of the clearing regardless of when you join.[button link="http://judithmanriquez.com/payment-form-for-business-blessing-2013/"]Join Now![/button] 


My inner child speaks and my Soul shows the way


A special invitation - intentions and energy clearing for the new year