New beliefs allow for the impossible
There are times in history where we have had a ‘burst’ of new. Someone did something or made something that had previously seemed impossible.From that ‘creation’ or advancement many new amazing creations or improvements have followed. Many which, while equally impossible-seeming only just a bit ago, now seemed a bit more possible.The single act of impossible came from someone who was not constrained by what seemed impossible at the time. That person believed in something bigger – did not subscribe to beliefs, norms or expectations of the time. They marched to their own unique drummer.Their single act of ‘impossible’ creation appears to act as a coalescing agent so that all the others marching to some unusual drummer for their given time – seem to rise together. It is as if they find each other, and while their tune is unique, there is some inherent melody or beat that brings them together.I contend that this coming together of like – then leads to a greater acceptance of their melody and before long the old belief or norm is replaced by the new. Or mixes with the new to create something altogether new.So many of us understand the 'birth of the internet' (I use this term loosely and ask a bit of latitude to do so) as the birth of a technology but few of us explore the set of beliefs and norms that were set aside in order to create.The birth of the internet actually ‘came from’ a different set of beliefs, for the time. In fact it was those beliefs that allowed for – created the fertile ground – for it to become possible.What we don’t realize, as a society, is that the internet, and its subsequent ‘children’ have been born into a society, who as a majority hold ‘old’ or other beliefs than those that created the internet. And what is happening is that those new beliefs are clashing with the old, and quickly old institutions and ways of doing business are finding themselves obsolete in relation to the new. And yes, to some extent it is the institution itself that is obsolete, but more so it is the beliefs that hold the institution in place.Here are the beliefs and practices that created the internet, which even today still seem preposterous to the majority as viable ways of being, believing and doing business.
- A voluntary adherence to a strict honor code and trust
- Own what you put out and clean it up or fix it if it is found to be ‘buggy’
- Help others if, you can, to fix it for the greater good
- Do it because you enjoy the challenge, because it is fun, because of the possibility – not for the pay or for the profit or for the accolades
- Self interest only exists in so far as it advances the whole
- Performance is measured as the best you have to offer – not 8 hour days or bonuses or ROI
- Reward is the exchange with like minded, the satisfaction of doing your best, the creation itself, the act itself since it was done for fun
The fact is that as a society, emerging technology is not changing our society. I believe the reality is that we, our society, is growing into a new set of beliefs. Our emerging technologies represent our society’s changes. But we have not yet figured out how to change or update the old ways of thinking and believing so that the old can catch up and adjust to hold the new.So for now, the new technologies and the companies that embrace them and the inherent way of believing and operating, construct a mini-society unto itself. And with time we will watch the new ways and beliefs spread outward.What if we took a moment to accept the new beliefs and incorporate them into the old? We could move a lot faster and have much less conflict.All of our conflict is a result of evolving beliefs. It’s just that we don’t realize it. We like to think it is technology that is causing us discomfort with its rapid changes. Rather, our discomfort is more appropriately related to the challenges to our deeply held beliefs.