What the October energies are bringing us


There’s something about this time of year that draws me in - into myself for reflection and contemplation - in a way that spring and summer don’t.The cooling temps and the full-settled-in of kids at school. But also the faster-seeming slide toward the end of the year.This year there’s more to it.Astrology has given me a bit of a clue as to the nature of what feels like such a clearly different tone to the energy.I’m feeling an unexpected increase in anticipation and excitement. I’m looking forward to the digging around in what is, and casting off and clearing out what isn’t in alignment.It’s a feeling of getting ready for an adventure. You know, that feeling of getting ready for a big vacation to a new place? Planning for the new clothes or shoes and clearing responsibilities off the list.

This is so much more than normal, fall season, end-of-year clearing and reflection. There is that too. Only if this time were a tidal pull it would be three times stronger.

We are experiencing the first waves of truly sustained transformational change at foundational and systemic levels like we haven’t felt before. This is life-altering, society re-making change.If you’ve been on the graduate level self-awareness journey for the last 10-15 years you may be wondering whether it will be more of what was. Because those years were hard - I know, but this is different.

You are ready for this new wave of energy. In fact, it’s what you were preparing for.

Over the next year, it’s your time - and mine - to get comfortable with the speed of the energy. It’s time to get really good at feeling good. It’s time to get really good at allowing what you do want in your life.Unlearn your habits of putting your wants second, of dwelling on the past, and of making choices aimed at minimizing (or avoiding) fear.I say this because you have been the one holding the energy to support the full influx of ascension energies. You have been the one making the way for this time.And because of that, you are now the one who will show others how to live in the transformation, even as you discover how in the living of it.The change that the planet Pluto brings us will go on for the rest of our lives. And we’ve been getting ready for it. I know we’ve also been getting ourselves ready to support and show the way for others who are waking up now. (And if you’d like support getting your business up to speed for this, that’s what I do in this engagement.)Here’s what I encourage you to do right now:Use the rest of the month for what we’ve been given with this Mercury Retrograde.

  • Finish up leftover things.
  • Consider projects and activities that have been stewing or on auto-pilot. Design and redesign them or begin to transition them out.
  • Put things in place as supports or reserves.
  • Spend some time getting clear on what you’re going to add into your life in the form of more play.

Mercury Retrograde will be supporting you in all of this so use it.And then get ready for the solstice. Mark that day as the beginning of your new year. I have the feeling that it really will be.******Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash


It’s okay to start when you’re unclear


Figuring things out when things aren't working or don't feel right