Once upon a time there was a soul

Once upon a time there was a soul. My soul.It was in union with the great I am that I am, the great oneness. My soul experienced the most perfect peace, the most expansive love, the most absolute connection and the most profound joy. It knew bliss.And one day for some reason that we will never truly understand, my soul decided it wanted to separate from the great I am. It would KNOW on its own, and by its own being, the sweet power of creation and the ultimate experience of love given and received.To know this separation and the majesty it would bring, my soul agreed to the illusion of not remembering the perfection of being one with the great ONE.And so it was. And so it is.My dear soul woke into physicality and it experienced separation, and cold, and fear – and warmth, and caring and nurturing.  And it hurt.My soul felt so much. So much more than bliss. So much so it hurt.And it was good and it was somehow lacking. Because deep inside - deep, deep at the core, way past the illusion – there was an echo of a feeling of perfect peace, expansive love, profound joy and absolute connection.My soul, time and again, experienced the power of creation in big ways and small. And it experienced love given and love denied. And try as it might my soul continued to experience creation, separation, cold, fear and warmth, caring, nurturing and love. And again, they were good – often really good.But when it closed its eyes it perceived the echo of absolute greatness.And so it wondered, which is real? Which is the illusion? Is what I am every day greatness or is there another greatness?And my soul continued on with creation and love and found it could be peace, joy, connection and love for longer and longer periods of time.And even still it wondered if this being-ness was real; is what I’m feeling on the outside real or is what I’m feeling on the inside real?My dear soul:  you are greatness, you are real, you are perfect peace, absolute love, profound joy and complete connection on the outside and on the inside.And so it was. And so it is.


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