Trapped by convention
Compared with the average person, I'm not very conventional. That's why I find it interesting to observe the ways that convention has its hold on me.It sneaks in and hides right there in plain site.Ever wondered why you aren't moving forward with something new, different or interesting? Have you considered that it's convention that's in the way?By convention, I mean "the way it's normally done", or the status quo, or what and how people do something in an industry. Convention has it's purpose. Afterall, we use it to make quick decisions - that's why brand and design works so well. If you see pink, you think girls. Bankers are conservative. A businesses objective is to make a profit. Those kinds of things.At its core convention is the force that keeps us in line with others. It's the force that encourages you to play it safe. And as kids, we learned that to not follow convention means you stand out - as in stand alone.The possibility of standing alone fires our survival instinct, triggering in us the compulsion to fit in.And for me, since I'm not very conventional, the way my survival instinct has been triggered is to help me feel like I need to do some more organizing, update my brand, build clearer processes - BEFORE I introduce people to some new work I'm developing.Well, it's coming. I'm working on some test runs right now. I'm even developing a line of posts to help build a foundation to explain it all. (AND I'm doing all the other stuff too.)Not to leave you completely in the dark: it has to do with clarifying what you want for your business, happier workplaces and people, and energy work.Stay tuned.