When you're beginning something new
Sometimes when we begin something it’s like a seed being planted.
The beginning of potential. The unfurling and wonder. The first few leaves of majesty, beauty and life.And other times when we begin something it’s like a bud growing and opening into bloom.The bud is also the beginning of potential like the seed. Also unfurling and wonder. Also the petals of majesty, beauty and life.And yet the bud is quite different. It is supported by the roots and branches of the tree or plant. It is part of something larger and while new, is also part of the continuity of the plant.I’ve been aware lately how I’ve forgotten that. Or better yet, not really noticed well enough.The work I do started long ago. Back in 1998 as my own business owner.But in the recent past I’ve felt year after year that I’m beginning. Starting again. Again a new approach or program or way to share what I do.This year however, I was shown that it’s more like blooming. Certainly a beginning but not new.Just that tiny shift in awareness changes so much and creates such a different perspective.
Can you see how if everything you do is like the starting of a seed you could feel ungrounded?
For me that has shown up as feeling uncertain, or as doubt or lack of clarity.But what if what you are beginning this new month of this new year is more about putting out the bud for a bloom that is on it’s way to blossoming?Now that carries such a different feeling to it. It feels tapped into roots of knowing and support. It feels natural and inevitable.
When I allow this growth - this new - to be a budding, it feels like beauty I can relax into with the expectation of harvest.
Perhaps you have been like me feeling as though this thing you are starting - whether it’s a new way of engaging with your clients or a new offer or a new level of your gift - has been like a seed. A pure beginning.But unless you are starting your first ever job, or taking your first ever client then you have so much more than you are giving yourself credit for.That thing you are beginning in your work - offer, program, course, intention - is the bud of your living system with roots and the hardiness of experience.Trust your living system to support you through to the blossoming.That means work with your knowing. Allow your way to be enough, even when what you see around you is different.Relax more. Nourish yourself with food and good feeling.Find your way to enjoy the journey to the blossoming, and ultimately, the harvest.______Photo by eddie howell on Unsplash