Would you participate in a program about fear? Really, would you?

I'm considering a whole series, or program on or around the subject of fear.I realize this is not your everyday-top of the list-can't wait to join in the conversation - type of topic.

We don't often readily or willingly open our arms and minds to our fears. We don't set intentions with the express aim of having more fear in our lives, as we might for love or abundance or happiness. And I'm not advocating that we do so, but our fears, and how we deal with them, could hold the clue to our greatness.

For many of us, fear is paralyzing, stifling, and constrictive on all levels of our being - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It cuts off our inspiration and creativity, completely stopping growth and progress.For just as many of us, fear can be the thing that drives us to action, pushes us to achieve, compels us to new experiences and new expressions of ourselves.This week alone I've witnessed an organization face the results (or consequences) of having slipped into survival mode due to it's financial circumstances; I've wondered how best to help a solo-preneur who feels the fear of meeting financial pressures to the point where she does not feel creative; and I've tangled with my own ego/shadow-self as it struggles to keep me safe from growing myself and my work.And in every instance, I wonder: how do we shift out of our fear? how do we transcend, transform, face or rise above our fears? Is there a path? Are there wisdoms that might guide us? Do we ever really grow out of our fears?I don't have any answers that satisfy me just yet. But I can see and sense that fear, as a subject, is a meaty one that holds the promise of unearthing some truly profound and miraculous transformation in our lives.

As I allow this subject to unfold for me, and I devote myself to further exploration, I'd really like to know about you and your fears. Do you know your fears, deep down?

How do they hold you back or propel you forward? What's the cleverest way your ego uses to 'keep you safe'? What fear do wish you had had help overcoming? Or if you have overcome a fear, what helped you surmount it?

Please do share here, or via email, or PM on Facebook. What you share will serve as inspiration and information as I continue to explore where this takes me. And what you share will be for my eyes only - your confidences will be kept.I'll keep you posted as this topic develops. Thanks so much for sharing what you can. 


Are your blocks to success REALLY what you think they are? Part 1


I'm feeling great! Do you want some?