About your purpose: You need to know you are NOT here to do anything or help anyone

I said this today while working with someone.I know that this is blasphemy. You won't hear anyone else saying this.You are NOT here to DO anything and you are not here to 'be of service' to anyone.

You are here to express your Soul.

If you are an entrepreneur, a seeker, or spiritually aware, there is immense pressure and expectation to find your purpose and serve the world.And because you are compassionate and you care about others, you agree.Yet as much as you may not like this, you are not on a journey to find your purpose and be of service.In truth, you are here to express your Soul.And you have been expressing your Soul since you took your first breath. You have expressed your Soul in every moment since. And you have done it amazingly.And, if you are like I was, you are completely unaware that you are expressing your Soul.Here's what happens when you own up to it - when you become aware that all you need to 'do' - all you're here to 'do' - is express your Soul:

You express Divinity right there in your everyday life.

You KNOW that people are drawn to you - not for your purpose, or your service, or what  you 'do' - but to experience you expressing your Soul. Their Soul wants what your Soul is expressing. That's all of it.

And what do you imagine will happen if you honor and acknowledge your Soul's expression?You honor and facilitate the expression of the Divine.There is magnificence in that. There is sublime perfection in that.And you are 'doing' it right now.You ARE expressing your Soul.

Now do it consciously. Follow your heart. Trust your guidance. Reach for what's most loving for you.

Do it. Express your Soul. And let it be enough.



When the problem isn't with your business


Lessons learned about listening to my heart