When the problem isn't with your business

I have spoken with so many beautifully gifted business women who at present do not have a thriving business, like they have had in the past or as they have strived to create.These are women who have professional websites, social media know-how and presence, email lists and the experience under their belts to make them heavy-weights at their craft, and who do not have the clients, the sales or the income they desire for their work.On the surface, they appear to have a thriving business.But underneath they have been in transition. For some it has been changes with family, spouse or parent. For others it has been business/career shifts, financial challenges or health issues.Whatever the source of the upheaval or discomfort has been, it has a common outcome for many of them.They question what they are here to do. They questions their work and how they are to offer it. They wonder if it's time to change paths. They go back to business-basics and wonder if they know who their ideal client is and worry that what they offer doesn't meet their needs or interests. They feel their social media presence and email list, in fact all of their business practices, are inadequate in some way.

In short, they wonder what's 'wrong' with them and their business.

And it all just breaks my heart.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with them or their business. They are still marvelously gifted, talented, competent professional business women.What has happened is that the transition experience they've been through, growing through, has shifted their inner landscape. They know themselves in a richer, deeper more honest way. They have actually been building a relationship with their inner Self, their own deep wisdom. They have been learning to honor their own deepest Self, their Soul.They may not have put these exact words to their experience. But it doesn't make it any less so.

Here's what's true for them and for you if you relate: when you've shifted and aligned your inner landscape, your external physical world must be re-aligned to be in harmony with that inner change. Your business is a physical expression of your gifts and desires. And so it must shift to align with your new inner landscape.

Which you already sense, which is why you and they wonder, why you and they doubt, why you and they question.The source of the doubt, as well as the source of the unsatisfying business performance, comes from their attempt to align their business to their new Self through their mental activities.They fall back on analysis, comparison, research and study. They look to what they've previously learned they should do with their business to help it thrive.And by so doing they perpetuate and exacerbate their mis-alignment.

What they most need to do is to reach for, and listen to, their inner guidance and take action from that place. Even when it feels like it runs absolutely counter to business training.

This one action is where they most compromise their business. Because when your inner wisdom guides you to do something that goes against what you've been taught or what you were comfortable with, your confidence is tested, your trust is shaken and you question your sanity.And where does that leave them (and you)?It leaves them with a business that is NOT in alignment with their inner power and guidance and IS conveying doubt and uncertainty. Through a professional, well-written website. Through well tended social media platforms. Through their blog posts and email communications.This isn't conventional business advice. But I've lived this experience with my own business, and witnessed it many times over with others. When you make that subtle shift and you align your business to your inner guidance, it makes all the difference you seek.This is a fundamentally new approach to business. And one I'm teaching and guiding others to use in my Highest Potential Program. A 10-month program for entrepreneurs who choose to live in relationship with their Soul, create from a place of infinite possibilities and align to a greater outcome than they could ever achieve alone.If this sounds like you and you are ready to make the change you know is calling you, I invite you to take a look.


One fear you hadn't considered


About your purpose: You need to know you are NOT here to do anything or help anyone