Celebrate with me

I'm celebrating my leap of growth.

Over the last six months I've been through some amazing leaps both personally and professionally and I've been reminded to celebrate.It's one thing to acknowledge your accomplishments, victories and growth, it's an altogether different thing to celebrate.In fact, when my teacher-coach suggested I focus on celebration, I got stuck. I was stuck before I even got started. In the way of me, I went first to the place of wanting to define exactly what I was celebrating. I wanted to parse and define in order to celebrate.It had never occurred to me that I could celebrate without defining or explaining why.Here's what I do know:

I know I have a lot to celebrate. I can feel the shift within me. And I can see it playing out in my life. Both large and small.

And I know that celebrating is part of living in mastery.

And a celebration can look like absolutely. anything. I want it to.


So I'm celebrating here, with you and this is what it looks like -


Save the date! June 17 at 3pm CST

In honor of launching my new class Living Mastery, I'm inviting you to join me as I have conversations with some of the masters in my life.I begin on Tuesday, June 17 at 3pm CST with Gloria Boysal. She has been an amazing teacher and guide, and now a good friend. If you'd like to learn join in or receive the recording, sign up here. I'll be sending more information on this soon. 

Guidance for you! Let's talk.

For the next 4 weeks, I'm offering Open Office Hours on Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30am to talk with you about whatever is pressing and present in your life. It's a free and heart-felt gift for you. Time to talk - live - in a time where that's a rare commodity. Send me an email at hello at judithmanriquez dot com to schedule or you can schedule yourself right here

So tell me, how do you celebrate?


What mastery is and isn't


A story of living mastery