A story of living mastery

Over the last few months I've felt the swirliness of something that wanted to come into creation.

I knew I wanted to teach about mastery but didn't have a clear idea of a structure for it. And so I allowed the swirliness its space. Just let it hang out in my mind with my little voice whispering that the ideas that would swirl into clarity were not adequate.Over the last few weeks I've been sharing with friends that the feeling to create a mastery class was growing stronger. Less of a swirliness and much more definite with clear direction - and yet different in substance and format than what I've seen in other types of classes and programs.My idea of a class and teaching requires that there be content and a clear outline. And no matter how much content I have for a class on mastery, the content would not be organized or constrained.

So there was the Discovery.

My class was not taking form because I had an expectation for a successful class that could not be met. The more I listened to my guidance - my inner knowing -  I heard that a mastery class with a defined content outline would not be something I would, or could, teach.

Then came the Exploration.

As I got clearer about the feelings of my inner guidance - my Soul - I began to explore what would feel in alignment with those feelings. I let go of what I had learned to believe formed the foundations of a successful class. Instead I listened for what was important…

Learning mastery is experienced. It is not intellectual. Living mastery is a practice where guidance and support help with the growth. There are key themes that help with learning mastery. For each person, mastery will unfold as they need and desire. There are concepts and content to teach, and when to teach them will be revealed in right-timing.

Ah. I had the core. All the other elements – date, length, size, price – those became choices. Choices I made from my personal and professional expertise of the experience I wanted to create. Choices that still felt in alignment with my Soul’s desire.

At last came the Expansion - a fully formed class/program on mastery.

Now I can extend the invitation to join me, and that is so exciting.

I’m presenting a mastery program for entrepreneurs where I teach how to listen to your Soul and how to live from what you hear.

It’s life changing.



And absolutely beautiful.

Living Mastery. A guided experience.

Join me.


Celebrate with me


Staying in our mastery sure isn't easy