Here's why you're really feeling confused and uncertain

Whether you see this time as the post-pandemic-new-normal or the great awakening, the stage has been set. The next 6 months of 2020 marks the end of dress rehearsals for every single one of us who works with intuition, energy and Source toward individual and collective upliftment.

We have some amazing energy supporting us to take our work into the world to help others.

Even though you may already sense or know this, you may still feel confused, uncertain and blocked by fear, self-doubt or self-destructive impulses.

You know you have unique gifts to help, and sense this is your perfect time, and yet you feel it might pass you by because the inner work you normally turn to isn’t helping much at all.

Take a breath. It’s okay. You’re on the right track.

Here’s what’s going on:

First off, Earth herself has fully aligned into 5D energy.

What does that have to do with you? It’s a super high frequency that you do not have experience holding. You have years of experience holding 3D energy and will, by habit and conditioning, naturally try to live from that place.

But here’s the deal, 3D energy is all about duality, scarcity and separation and that reality has played out. Every time you revert to behaviors and thoughts that are founded on scarcity or duality, you’re going to feel confused, anxious, doubting, and like you’ve lost your sense of worth.

So realize, none of us knows how to fully stay in the 5D energy of compassion and love all the time. We are learning. Give yourself a break.

What you can do to help yourself is to get better at listening to your intuition and following it. Review what you do on a daily basis that pulls you out of connection to your inner wisdom, or where you revert to old thinking. Then re-arrange your life so that doesn’t happen. Just this one thing will help immensely.

Next, the pandemic was our gift. Here’s how:

It takes 21 days to create a new habit. Most of us have had over 2 months of broken habits due to the global response to the virus. Just about everything in our days was adjusted in some way by the self-isolation and wide-spread shutdown - from grocery shopping to travel to eating out.

As a result, every single person has fundamentally altered their core beliefs. 

Core beliefs are the beliefs you have constructed that directly relate to your perceived survival – and I mean survival at a physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual level.

And no one has been aware that they were re-wiring their core beliefs.

(If you want to understand core beliefs, I wrote about it here )

When core beliefs are altered you create transformational change. Period.

You have, while you were in lockdown, quite literally been re-writing your core beliefs and didn’t know it. Everything that you believed about survival has changed. And it’s changed globally, so the collective energy has changed too.

What you’re feeling right now is what it feels like to figure out who you are now. You mentally think you are the same person you were before March 15th, but at your very core you are not. It’s not possible, your subconscious has changed.

Give yourself some judgement-free time to figure out who you are now. 

The lunar eclipse at the beginning of the month was on the theme of endings. That energy is affecting all of us for the next 6 months.

So just imagine, here we are globally opening the doors for people to go out and get back to their life, and the energy is about endings. Can you sense how confusing that feels?

If you are doing your own inner work, and since you are reading this I know you are, then you have all the tools to work through the endings that are relevant for you.

My sense is that all of us who are feeling the pull to share our gifts to help others are actually working on endings related to old 3D beliefs. Things like ‘I have to work hard to be successful’ or ‘This is how it was in the past, so that’s what I’ll get in the future.’

Remember, thoughts and beliefs related to scarcity, separation and duality have served their purpose and are complete. Do your best to notice your thoughts and make sure they are supporting ease, positivity and expanded possibilities.


This is A LOT. A lot of energy, a lot of change and a lot of possibilities. 

And what’s so beautiful about it is that it is ALL supporting us to attain and accomplish what we want. 

It might feel murky, foggy and uncomfortable but now that you can see what’s playing out, you can use it to reach your clarity, move through your changes and create with greater ease than you have before.

What will you create with this boundless potential that is available for you now?


On masks and creating a new reality


Do you feel like you are changing but it's not fully clear yet?