On starting something new


walking a new pathIn meditation today, I sensed/saw a place of rest. Like an opening at the end of trail with a bench for resting.

I know that before me is a new path.

New. As in so foreign to my being that it feels as though all that has gone before is useless, empty, not helpful.I realize that is illusion; the product of uncertainty, the unknown, fear.What is true is that my previous path brought me to this clearing. And as I walked that path I learned a lot about me, about waking a path. I have built a certain strength and capacity at path-walking that resides within me. Ever-present.There is no way for me to know about this new path before I walk it. None.But I can know me. I can know my innate capacities and strengths. I can trust the wisdom of my Divinity.And I can choose.I can choose to sit in this clearing. Comfortable. Known. Safe.Or I can choose to walk.Oh, I'd much rather walk. I'm too curious.I take the first step....and a year from now, when I reflect on where I stand, I'll be able to tell you about this path. Because you can only know a path after you've walked it awhile.


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