Reveal Your Pure Potential

Last week when I listened to Carly Rose Sonenclar audition on X Factor, I was positively mesmerized. It was beautiful and captivating to listen to her perform. It still electrifies the edges of my skin when I watch.You can watch the seven minute video here: Do you feel it? The absolute power of beauty that draws you in. You cannot help but be struck still, to not only witness the beauty but to also feel drawn in to her pure gift, even for a little while.I believe she was expressing her Pure Potential without any obstacles or limiting thoughts or hangups or insecurities.

Pure Potential is the ideal, undiluted expression of your soul in this physical life.

In that moment, as she began her song, I literally felt her Pure Potential. Everyone did. It struck them full on - you hear it and see it in the video.She was a gift to all of us because with her one performance we are reminded that it is possible. We can express our Pure Potential and captivate everyone and still be ourselves.She walked out on stage without pretense, comfortable in her skin, being her Self - apparently without self-judgement or a sense of lack in any way. She did not take in the patronizing or belittling comments of the judges. In fact, she didn't even take in the screaming cheers and praise of the crowds as she sang. She simply sang, with abandon.She sank deep into her soul and gave her song from her heart for the pure joy of the act of singing. And at the end the judges even referenced her soul - "you are an old soul" and "you have soul".People can feel when you are expressing your soul's Pure Potential. Whether they know it or not. And they love it.So often we give in to the temptation to change ourselves - to question our nature, our gifts, our experience - and before long we alter the expression of our Pure Potential. We craft it into something safe where we fit in and model it after some perceived norm. And before long our Pure Potential must express itself through our limiting beliefs.

You can express your Pure Potential.

Here's how: First, accept and acknowledge you have Pure Potential - the expression of your soul. The piece of you deep inside that is wonderful, excited, joyful and easy with itself. You may or may not feel it often - and if you do, it might seem foreign and tentative. So just accept that part of you so that it can more easily express itself.Then take one single place in your life where you feel limited and take one single small step that expands you beyond that limitation. This must be an action because the action itself creates expansion and diminishes the limitation. And make it small.Now, take another step. And before you know it that limitation will be transformed.

What will your first step be?

My small step is letting you know that I'm creating a program designed to help you take action for yourself. I'm great when it comes to taking action for others, but have been having to learn how to take action on things for myself.

Tell me, what step are you taking?


Why is it so hard to start, and stick with, something new?


At last... I have words!