Staying in our mastery sure isn't easy

I sit wrestling with writing a post today.I want so much for the words and the wisdom to flow. I have the ideas for at least 3 directions to take a post but the flow is not there. I'm not aligned with my desire to write.I can feel it. My mind, my little self, is hell-bent on writing something because it has been over a month since I last wrote. I have the intention to write something weekly as a commitment to myself and my business expansion. And I've not been able to do so. So I want to force it out.But being in mastery is all about staying connected to our higher Self. It's not even about setting aside the little self - it's about listening through it and recognizing all the ways that we are holding ourselves apart from the clear, smooth urgings of our Divinity.For me I'm in self judgement - I've not done what I'd said I would do.I'm frustrated (self judgement again) that the words are not flowing for what I want to say.That piece of me is utterly convinced that writing the post I want to write is exactly what I must 'do' to create business. So I'm in fear and scarcity.I'm forcing and angry and irritated that when I want connection and alignment I don't have it.

Mastery isn't controlled by thought, action or personal will.

It's alignment with Divine Self.

It's energetic, spiritual, mental and physical alignment with desires and intentions.It's surrender to allowing.It requires us to re-wire the emotional and neural pathways of the little self. So I've succumbed to the urging of my little self and written. And I've allowed the whispers of my Divine self to continue calling me forth to my mastery.Breathe. Release. Allow.    


A story of living mastery


Qualities of a good (modern) letter of agreement