You don't need to put your business on hold during this Mercury Retrograde - leverage it instead
For many of us, we know the stressful effect of a Mercury retrograde on our communications, technology and relationships. Computer crashes, mis-communcations, contracts gone bad...(If you want to learn more about it, here’s an excellent post about Mercury Retrograde by Kelley Rosano. It gives you the best do’s and don’ts for this time.)
But a Mercury retrograde can be powerful when leveraged properly. It’s an ideal time for planning, research, organizing, exploring, considering and for tying up loose ends. There is amazing power in closure and reflection.
So, I’m trying something new - 30 minute mini-consults designed to use this Mercury retrograde energy as a gift to advance your business.In 30 minutes, I'll help you get super clear on the specific challenge or issue you have with your business AND I'll help you define the actionable, practical steps you need to take to leverage this closure, planning, research and reflection time for your business.I’m only committed to offering this until August 10th when Mercury goes direct again. So, take advantage of this short term offer and schedule your time now.Learn more here.